Illustrious Vibrations in Vinyl

Today, there are many other-than-fine uses of the chemical compound vinyl, one of, if not the greatest uses is in the music recording industry in the form of the Gramophone or Phonograph Record. True, modern technology has allowed us to take music anywhere we want and places we shouldn’t. Still, there is something incredible about listening to a record on a turntable. The crackle adds character, and having to gently place the needle down and flip it halfway through (or put on the second disk) involves you more in the listening experience.

Musically speaking, you get the highest audio fidelity short of being in the artists’ presence, and the completeness of the album as a musical entity. The order of the songs, transitions between the songs, and the fact that you are less inclined to skip songs lets you hear exactly what the artist wants you to hear. The album becomes a singularity out of the unity of its components. Ultimately, the illustrious vibrations come forth in the least adulterated, truest form.

To Dabble further, please visit the Vinyl Fanatics.