Crown Royal Black

Canadian Whiskey Company Crown Royal – known for its distinctive royal purple velvet bag – recently released a newer, bolder Crown Royal Black. In accordance with the name, the Black variation is described as “Robust, Full-bodied” on the label and is 90 proof (up from the flagship brand’s 80 proof).

While I personally have not dabbled in this new drink – or any other Crown Royal drink for that matter – it has been described to have “…notes of maple and caramel [that] are deeper, and longer…“, and “A creamy profile… and ‘velvety’ … exhibits some subtle dried fruit notes, mainly fig“.

Suggested retail price is $30 for a 750ml bottle. Pick up a bottle to dabble further!

“To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.”

There is a lot to cheer for in the 2010 World Cup, and even a little to laugh at. The revival of conflicts long since resolved is probably the most humorous part of watching the inaugural US vs England game – US fans quickly recall the Revolutionary War as the English pipe out Britannia Rules the Waves. Despite a troublesome beginning, we two nations have been allies since the middle of the 19th Century. Yet this happens with any “friendly” international competition – just think of the Olympics. Two nations get pitted against each other, and even if they’re friendly they canvas the history books for any hint of bad blood in the past, looking to relive the anger and bloodshed on a different kind of field. In this particular incident, I’m really surprised that at the end of the match the French didn’t come running onto the field and help score a goal or something.

Either way, it’s really interesting to see the players and coaches as a sort of international ambassadors. Think about how many conclusions we draw about a country based on how their teams act. 1980 Olympic Hockey Gold-medal match, anyone?. Too bad Zidane isn’t really France’s ambassador…

In the aftermath of this particular match, it seems the only conflict we have with England is how we spell “color” (or “colour”, if you’re of that persuasion).

Title quote is from George Washington’s First Annual Address to Congress, January 8, 1790.

Published in: on June 12, 2010 at 9:45 pm  Leave a Comment  

Illustrious Vibrations in Vinyl

Today, there are many other-than-fine uses of the chemical compound vinyl, one of, if not the greatest uses is in the music recording industry in the form of the Gramophone or Phonograph Record. True, modern technology has allowed us to take music anywhere we want and places we shouldn’t. Still, there is something incredible about listening to a record on a turntable. The crackle adds character, and having to gently place the needle down and flip it halfway through (or put on the second disk) involves you more in the listening experience.

Musically speaking, you get the highest audio fidelity short of being in the artists’ presence, and the completeness of the album as a musical entity. The order of the songs, transitions between the songs, and the fact that you are less inclined to skip songs lets you hear exactly what the artist wants you to hear. The album becomes a singularity out of the unity of its components. Ultimately, the illustrious vibrations come forth in the least adulterated, truest form.

To Dabble further, please visit the Vinyl Fanatics.

Buying Your First Suit.

This is a day that comes for all men – a rite of passage, if you will.

The underlying principle when buying your first suit is that you want it to be adaptable. Unless you’re planning on buying another suit soon, you need to be able to wear your suit on a number of different occasions (Formal events, job interviews, weddings, business meetings, graduation, etc.). Therefore, the best color option is Charcoal. For collars, both notch and flair are acceptable, but the notch is a more conservative option. Three-button suits are still popular, but the two-button style is more timeless. Patterns (Stripe, Window Pane/Plaid) are acceptable, but keep them subtle. The choice for pleated pants or flat front pants is up to you and your personal style.

From this point, you have a great suit that you can use with essentially any color. White and blue are the most common colors for dress shirts, but match any color shirt with the right tie and you’re good to go!

Finally, don’t overlook the three-piece suit. Having a vest adds that much more class and flexibility.

To Dabble further, visit the Men’s Warehouses pages on fashion advice: Click Here

What do you want to Dabble in?

We at The Dabbler believe that blogs are a tool for communication – the communal spreading of knowledge. That being said, we want to help our readers Dabble in any of the finer things that peak their interest. Simply send us an e-mail at, and we’ll do the exploration – you can do the Dabbling.

Welcome to The Dabbler

The Dabbler is a blog for young men looking to expand their knowledge of the finer points of fine living. This is not an in-depth discourse on a specific topic. Rather, The Dabbler is a continual presentation of all things fascinating!

Published in: on June 10, 2010 at 1:14 am  Leave a Comment  
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